Jim & Donna Webber, accompanied by their daughter, Jennifer, are presented with their Woodlot Owners of the Year plague by Antigonish MLA, Maurice Smith. L to R: Jennifer, Jim, Donna, Moe Smith.

Jim and Donna Webber were chosen as provincial woodlot owners of the year for 2010.  CONGRATULATIONS!  In recognition and celebration of their achievement, the Dept. of Natural Resourses (DNR) organized a field day at the Webber’s woodlot on October 1st and 2nd.

Friday was kid’s day, when children arrived by the schoolbus load to learn about forests and forestry and the role they play in our lives.  There was also the opportunity for fun activities such as learning the rudiments of archery.  From all accounts they had a field day (in a different sense of the word).

Three young ladies get an archery lesson.

Saturday was targeted more toward adults.  Along with the formal presentation of a large wooden plaque, DNR personnel and volunteers gave presentations throughout the woodlot, describing various aspects of forestry operations and management.  Considering the inclement weather, there was a large turnout, and just about everybody, from city slicker to professional forester, walked away having gained a better understanding of some aspect of the forestry industry.

Ralph Stewart of Scott and Stewart Forestry Consultants discusses, with the Webbers, the use of nursery grown seedlings used for planting in woodlots.

The whole event was a great success.  Cudos to the DNR for a job well done.  To learn more about the WOYA, go to www.gov.ns.ca/natr/woodlot/woya/.

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