Due to concerns over abuse of the very popular dumpster program, the Municipality of the County of Antigonish has, for 2011 at least, replaced it with roadside pickup of bulky items.  This pickup will occur on a regular garbage collection day during the weeks of June 20 – 24 or June 27 – July 1.  The collection date for Lochaber and area is Monday, June 27th.  There are comprehensive guidelines regarding what and how materials may be put out for the roadside “Bulky Waste Collection”.  These guidlines are available by going to: http://antigonishcounty.ns.ca/admin/sources/editor/assets/BulkyWasteCollection.pdf.  This information is also being distributed to mailboxes throughout the municipality by an independent contractor and so will not be delayed by the postal strike.

The municipality is inviting feedback on the dumpster and/or roadside bulky waste collection programs.  If you live in Antigonish county you may call 863-1117 and pass on your comments for consideration in choosing future methods of collecting items not siutable for regular weekly garbage collection, but which can be collected by either dumpsters or special roadside collections.  Your thoughts on this are an important factor in the decision making process.

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