Rules & Regulations

You can download the full copy of Rules & Regulations here.


This Agreement


The Lochaber Community Development Association (LCDA)


The Client

The quote provided to the Client and attached to this agreement contains additional terms and conditions as agreed to between the LCDA and the Client. The attached quote is valid for 14 days from the date presented to the Client by the LCDA. After fourteen days, unless clauses 2 and 3 of this Agreement have been met, the booking will no longer be tentatively held for the benefit of the Client and the LCDA reserves the right to withdraw its original quote and present the Client with a new quote, which may or may not include changes to prices and conditions.


  •  “Agreement” includes this Agreement as well as the attached quote which has been provided to the Client and which contains additional terms and conditions as agreed to between the LCDA and the Client.
  • “Bar Service” means the service of alcohol, liquor and such other beverages by the LCDA, as offered to the Client pursuant to the LCDA’s Liquor License(s), and in compliance with the Nova Scotia Liquor Control Act.
  • “Client” means the party contracting with the LCDA and may be a corporation,  partnership, sole proprietor, society, informal group, or individual(s).
  •  “Licensed Premises” means the area of the Venue where alcohol is permitted to be served, consumed and present, as per the LCDA’s Liquor License(s).
  • “Venue” means the entire property owned, used, controlled, and operated by the  LCDA and includes all room(s), building(s), area(s), location(s), or place(s) that the Client has agreed to rent from the LCDA as defined by the Agreement.

Contract Terms

  •  All bookings are considered tentative until a signed copy of this document has been returned to the attention of the LCDA by the Client along with a non-refundable deposit of FIFTY percent (50%) of the Venue rate and a valid credit card number provided which will be held on file until the event is paid in full.

Audio-Visual Equipment

  • The use of the projector is included in the cost of the Venue rental. Please identify all audiovisual needs at least 30 days in advance.

Bar Services

  • The LCDA’s Bar Service is provided in compliance with the Nova Scotia Liquor Control Act. The LCDA reserves the right to discontinue service at any time at its discretion as well as the right to request proper identification from patrons. The LCDA operates under a special premises license, and adheres to any and all regulations provided by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission.

Catering & Food Services

  • Licensed caterers are permitted to provide food services at the Lochaber Centre; however, a catering waiver must be signed by the Client and the Customer in advance. Linen on banquet tables is provided. All other linen and service requirements are to be supplied by the catering company.


  •  The Client agrees to be responsible to the LCDA for its own conduct, the conduct of its invited guests, participants, spectators, and other persons present on the Venue by  reason of the activities contemplated by this Agreement, and to indemnify the LCDA for any bodily injury or damage to property, facilities, equipment, or the Venue which may occur as a result of the activities of the Client, its invited guests, participants, spectators or other persons.


  • Access to the Venue will not normally be allowed before 10:00am on the day of the event, unless an additional hourly labour rate of $50 per hour has been paid for early access.
  • Swimming is strictly prohibited unless the beach is supervised by a Certified Beach Lifeguard hired by the Client, access to the beach after dusk is strictly prohibited, bonfires on the beach is strictly prohibited and overnight camping on the Venue’s premises is strictly prohibited due to security requirements.

Venue Set Up

  • The set-up of a Venue is determined according to the number of guests attending the Client’s event. The room rental fee includes one standard set-up for the event. Extensive set-up, additional set-up or unusual requests may be subject to additional labor charges of $50 per hour.

Cancellation Policies

  •  Venue – Notice of cancellation must be provided to the LCDA no later than 6 months prior to the event; cancellation within 6 months of the event will result in billing for the total cost of the Venue.


  • Full payment for the Venue and Bar Services must be received no later than 6 months in advance of the event.

Non-Smoking Policy

  • Smoking is not permitted in any Venue, building, or public area. Provincial Regulations permit smoking outside buildings at a distance of 15 feet from the foundation of the building. There is a $250.00 cleaning fee if any person is found to be smoking inside any building.

Shipping and Receiving Policy

  • The Client is responsible for making its own arrangements for shipping and receiving of materials, equipment, items, decorations, rentals, and property on Lochaber Centre. The LCDA does not accept liability for shipping or receiving on the Client’s behalf. The Centre will not be held responsible for any damage or loss to any Client property. Should the Client require secured storage space for its property, it is the responsibility of the Client to make such arrangements at its own expense.


  • All entertainment is subject to charges applicable by SOCAN (Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada). For more information on SOCAN, call 1-800-51-SOCAN.

Re: Sound Fees

  • All entertainment is subject to charges applicable by Re:Sound. The tariffs charged for Re:Sound fees are dependent upon the type of entertainment being offered. The Client will be advised of whether Re:Sound fees apply at time of booking. For more information on Re:Sound, call 1-877-309-5770.

Insurance Requirements

  • The Client agrees to carry, during the time of the event or use of the LCDA Venue (s), general liability insurance covering bodily injury and property damage with limits of at least $2,000,000 per occurrence, and to be responsible for any and all expenses, costs and liabilities in connection with any claim which may be made against the LCDA by reason of or as a result of the activities contemplated by this Agreement or persons coming on the premises of the LCDA as a result of the activities contemplated by this Agreement. The insurance policy shall cover the operations and activities for which the Venue is being used. Suitable evidence of the policy shall be provided to the LCDA upon request.

Force Majeure

  • Any default of either the LCDA or the Client in meeting any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement will not give rise to a claim by one party against the other, nor will it be viewed as a breach of this Agreement, where such default is a result of a “Force Majeure” event. For the purposes of this Agreement, “Force Majeure” shall mean an event or condition which is not controllable by the non-performing party provided that:


I/We have read and understand the above conditions for booking an event at the Lochaber Community Development Association (LCDA). I/We assume full responsibility for the use of the above noted facilities and agree to be held responsible for any damages or loss to LCDA property occurring in or on the surrounding areas as a result of holding this event. This includes damage or loss caused by negligence or any invited guest(s) to this event. I/We agree that the LCDA will not be responsible for lost or stolen items. I/We agree to make payment in full for all fees and charges incurred as a result of this event. Please sign below to indicate acceptance, and return to the LCDA:

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