Cribbage at Sylvan Hall Resumes

Fall is upon us, and so Wednesday evening cribbage games at Sylvan Hall can’t be far behind.  Beginning on November 2nd and, with the exception of a Christmas break, every Wednesday at 7:30 at Sylvan Hall, folks will be gathering for a friendly but competitive...

Fifteen Two, Fifteen Four… Nineteen

Starting Wednesday, Nov. 3rd, there will be cribbage games every Wednesday evening  until April 27th (with the exception of a Christmas break, Dec. 22nd & 29th) at Sylvan Hall, 1585 Hwy #7, Lochaber. Cribbage starts at 7:30 and runs until about 10:00.  For $5 per...


The past cribbage “season” was a very successful one. John Gillis, and in John’s absense, Jim Webber, did a fine job of keeping things running smoothly. Those Wednesday night gatherings at Sylvan Hall provided a great chance to pass winter evenings...