Oct 20, 2011
Fall is upon us, and so Wednesday evening cribbage games at Sylvan Hall can’t be far behind. Beginning on November 2nd and, with the exception of a Christmas break, every Wednesday at 7:30 at Sylvan Hall, folks will be gathering for a friendly but competitive...
Oct 9, 2010
Starting Wednesday, Nov. 3rd, there will be cribbage games every Wednesday evening until April 27th (with the exception of a Christmas break, Dec. 22nd & 29th) at Sylvan Hall, 1585 Hwy #7, Lochaber. Cribbage starts at 7:30 and runs until about 10:00. For $5 per...
Jun 7, 2010
The past cribbage “season” was a very successful one. John Gillis, and in John’s absense, Jim Webber, did a fine job of keeping things running smoothly. Those Wednesday night gatherings at Sylvan Hall provided a great chance to pass winter evenings...