The 80th Anniversary for Lochaber United Church is coming up, and we are very excited!
The service will be held on October 23rd at 10:30AM at Lochaber United. But the actual anniversary is October 4th, 1931. All are welcome!
“The 80th anniversary celebrates the dedication of members and friends,past and present, who, through their time, talents and gifts have given tothe mission and service of Lochaber United. We welcome you to attendand If you know of some one who would like to be part of our celebration,near or far, please sent us their name and address – Lochaber United,c/oRobert Inglis, 1281 Hwy #7, RR # 5 Antigonish Co N S, B2G 2L3.”
October 23rd will be a combined service of Forbes Memorial Pastoral Charge (Including Lochaber United, King’s United in Loch Katrine, and former Zion United in Country Harbour).
Happy Anniversary!