There are plans to put a sealed time capsule in the wall of the Lochaber Centre. This capsule will only be opened many decades down the road, when life will be much different from what we experience these days. The LCDA would like to hear your suggestions for items to be stashed away for posterity. We are looking for content that will remind some future generation, when the capsule is eventually opened, of what life was like during the early part of the 21st century. Here are a couple of examples that might help jog your mind to come up with an original idea or two. A cell phone would show the state of communications technology when the hall was built. A copy of the October 9th Chronicle Herald with its extensive coverage of the Atlantic Rowing Championships and reports on the previous day’s provincial election, would illustrate the sorts of things that were in the news in Lochaber and the province in 2013.
We encourage you to “Leave a Reply” with your thoughts, and look forward to receiving lots of interesting input.