Debra Archibald, a local cottager and yoga instuctor, has offered to put on yoga lessons at Sylvan Hall.  If enough interest is shown, Debra will put on two a week sessions while she is here on vacation this week and the following two weeks, plus potentially on long weekends when she is at the cottage.  There will be no charge for these sessons.  However participants are invited to make a voluntary contribution which will be put toward the new Lochaber Centre.

The type of yoga Debra will be leading is referred to as Yin Yoga, a gentle form of yoga with emphasis on relaxation and improving flexibility.  It is non athletic, and is suitable for persons of all ages and any level of fitness and flexibility.  Debra’s comment was that “as long as you can breathe”, you can do yoga.  The practice of Yin Yoga postures is often compared to massage.

The first session will be this Thursday, August 2nd, at 10:00 AM at the hall, and will last about one to one and a half hours.  Subsequent sessions will be planned so as to best fit the schedules of the participants.  You won’t work up a sweat, and so should simply wear comfortable clothing and bring along a blanket and a cushion.  Although it isn’t required, if you happen to have a yoga mat, bring it as well.  Debra recommends that you not have too large a breakfast, and asks that you arrive about 15 minutes before the session is scheduled to begin; i.e. 9:45.

Debra operates Debra’s Yoga Studio and, if you would like to learn more about her business you can check out her web site at or her facebook page at Debra’s Yoga & Hair Studio.  You may also contact her by e-mail at (there’s an underscore between debra and archibald) or by phone at 506-461-8010.

Debra loves to share her yoga skills, and invites everyone to come on out and experience what sounds like a great way to relax and unwind, while at the same time learning techniques to ease stiff joints and become more flexible.

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