There’s certainly something to be said for walking, especially early in the morning. This morning, when I was out for my daily walk, I noticed this little dark, almost black, head with beady eyes poking out through the grass along the edge of the road. It was watching me intently as I approached. I was puzzled as to what it was, as I certainly wasn’t thinking in terms of what it eventually turned out to be. As I got a little closer I thought to myself, could that be a mink? That suspicion turned out to be correct, as there was no doubt whatsoever what it was, when it eventually turned tail and scurried down into the ditch.
It’s been a long time since the only other time that I saw a mink that close, other than in animal parks. I’m now officially a senior, and that other time was when I was waiting for the school bus when a mink walked to within ten metres of me (as I stood as still as possible) before he saw me and beat a fast retreat.
I’m curious. Have others seen mink around Lochaber? If you have, how about adding your mink story or stories in the comments section below.